How Does Online Teacher Education Work?

I wanted to do a couple of courses to learn more about handling different children in the classroom. I also wanted to use the credits for my license renewal. After checking various online classes for teachers, Cool Teachers Online seemed appropriate and reliable too.

While the various course descriptions were interesting and the good reviews boosted my confidence, I still had some doubts about how the internet courses would actually work. I couldn’t help but wonder whether being a non-tech savvy person, I will actually be able to handle this new learning format and feel comfortable in the world of websites, emails and forums.

cool teachers online

I browsed the website in depth and even contacted them a couple of times. The staff reassured me that all I need is basic internet skills as the program is quite user-friendly. No special software was required. I was told that the course material also could be accessed easily on my computer itself. There was no need to buy additional course books either.

I was happy that I can set my own schedule for the classes whenever I have free time. I had some hesitations about the faculty, but they confirmed that the course would be led by experienced teachers who would give me tasks and assignments regularly. I was also assured that apart from the classes, I can contact the teachers through emails and they would make it a point to respond soon enough.


Once I was confident that the online classes for teachers would earn me the desired continuing education credits, I signed up for Developing International Mindness.

And this turned out to be one of my best decisions ever! Satisfied with the experience, I have followed it up with many other online courses from time to time.

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